Friday, June 18, 2010

18.6.2010: Urlaub ist vorbei!

Vacation is definitely over!

So, you know how I've been tardy a few times this past week? Well, as I knew it would, it caught up with me. I did think it was kinda weird on Monday when nothing was really said about how late I was.

Well, yesterday I was about ten minutes late, and it seemed like all hell broke loose.

I know it is not good to be late. And I know that I've been "lucky" to either have a job that it didn't matter when I came in (i.e. when I was working in the biochem lab), was dependent on the bus schedule (i.e. USGS lab, scrapbook store), the kids were sleeping anyhow and I was getting a ride most days from my mom (that summer I was babysitting), or the boss was very lenient (scrapbook store).

Well, yesterday everyone seemed to remind me that work starts at 6am, not ten minutes after (hey, I would have actually been to class on time. Oh, Michigan time). So, my "punishment" was that I have to work two more hours today (already completed) and tomorrow to make up the time that I've missed.

I was completely expecting something, just the timing and delivery was a little off from what I would have expected. But this is the first time that I've ever worked a full time job.

Which brings be to my next point. This is definitely not a relaxing vacation by any means.

I am working more hours in a week than I would have during three weekends while I was working at the scrapbook store. Of course, this job is full time, that was part time.

I guess I was working full time babysitting. But that job didn't start until 7am, and I slept for the first couples hours until the kids got up. And I got to watch t.v. and go to the park. Gees, why did I ever complain about that job? Because it was a lot for me to handle at that age and it was my first job (four years can make a big difference).

And unlike babysitting, I have only one day of weekend instead of two. Which doesn't lend itself for traveling around or anything.

And I've been reading others blogs, talking about this vacation day or that holiday they've gotten off. In the food industry, there is no time off. Everyone has to eat, everyday.

What about this myth that Europeans don't work as much as Americans do? Some of my coworkers, actually majority of them, are working 10-14 hours a day, six days a week! Here I am struggling with 6 hours, 6 days a week.

I'm definitely getting a clearer picture of what I want to do with my life. And it's definitely not working all the time. I think I could handle working 10-12 hours for four days, but I would definitely need three days to recover! It's not like I don't like working, and reaping the benefits (in other words, making money), it's just I know that I need my off time too!

I'm thinking about asking for time off, once I'm in a better situation, but there's just no guarantees. I still have two days left on my Eurail pass, that expire the end of July. That- and if I'm feeling exhausted after only three weeks- I'm definitely going to need time to recover soon!

And to part, I've included a picture of the HSV (Hamburger Sport-Verein- the soccer team in Hamburg) duck that is now apart of my collection.

For those readers who don't know- I have a rubber duck collection that.... okay, so I haven't counted for a really long time, but I'm pretty certain it has to contain at least 200-300 rubber ducks (and I think that's a low estimation). Some notable ducks include one from Berlin, Michigan Tech, a MSU Spartan (I used to a MSU fan, sorry), pirates, and purple ducks.


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